Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Importance of Teaching Research Skills to Students

I use Google to search various topics from "fact checking" for fun, to research for educational purposes. Just as you do too. We automatically use skills that make researching our topic easier.  But students don't have theses skills that come with experience yet!  We need to expose them to the correct way use search engines. We can help students streamline their search results by using synonyms, and keywords. Watch Solomon's Story to see how students approach research. Common Sense Media has many resources for all grade levels.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Do You Dojo?

ClassDojo is one of the best behavioral and skills tracking tools I've ever used in my class. Ive tried many different things before, but this by far is very engaging to students and parents alike. Parents can check student behavior in real-time.

Have you ever dismissed the class and wished you could just tell them that one more thing you forgot about a field trip or parent night? Well now you can. Whole Class Broadcast to send or receive messages, photos, links etc. to the whole class or individual parents without sharing your personal information.  Soon we will be able to speak messages too!  Sign up today! It's Completely Free

Tech Play Time Needed!

When integrating technology into your lesson realize students will need a little "play time" to acclimate themselves to the devices. Remember the first time you passed out those manipulatives in your class? You lost the students right away. All they wanted to do was build something. They began to dialogue with each other. They were so excited showing each other what they could create. No it was NOT actually using the tools in the right way. But necessary, otherwise the teaching moment is over. Sometimes I think... Why don't we just let them play with them?
So as you begin to create and integrate tech lessons, build in that play time. How much is long enough?  Organize and limit the time by giving specific things to find out about the device like a scavenger hunt. Instruct the students about the time limit for play time and will need to put screens down when you are ready to begin the actual lesson.  So plan on letting the students practice navigating around, otherwise you will loose the perfect opportunity for engagement. We can teach students, or model how to. But the best learning comes from "DOING!"
Here's an article I found very useful.

Four Skills to Teach Students In the First Five Days of School

Sunday, September 14, 2014

EDTech Teacher

Do you really realize the importance of teaching using technology? I have a passion for it! Look at the lovely group of new students eager to learn. You begin to teach this awesome paper and pencil worksheet lesson (you thought it was... it worked so many years before). OK STOP! Right there and picture this... These are students, who have been playing on devices since they were able to hold them. "You sound like Charlie Brown's teacher." Yeah remember her! "Whaaa... Whaaa.. Whaaa.." (Is that how it's spelled?) So the next time you get ready to begin teaching a new lesson, ask yourself how can I infuse technology into this lesson? Make your paper lesson better... grow with the 21 century learners that are in your class today.