Saturday, October 17, 2015

AR Reading Ticket

Help your student become successful close readers by using my AR Reading ticket. Pick up 1 today at my TPT store.

Got Grit?

Got Grit? Just posted a FREEBIE on TPT.  

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cue RockStar Teacher Camp

First day of RockStar Teacher Camp, I was so excited to learn and expand my brain!

#Roxnard  #cuerockstar


Lisa Nowakowski was our MC. She did a fabulous job of making us feel welcomed.
Do you need some chrome extensions? See her work.

Tara Linney sang a "Whole New World" techie style to us, showed us how to incorporate math in Google Maps, and Google Cardboard. This was the coolest. Its like the old school ViewMaster in 3D.

We had a blast making our Google Cardboard with no instructions. My buddies had to help me because I totally couldn't put it together alone. Thanks for the teamwork ladies. The personal connections that I made during this tech adventure are invaluable. I'm so glad I went!This was the perfect way to top off the camp. I can't wait to put all I learned into practice. Now I can call myself a Cue RockStar Teacher.@imoeteach @Bali14 @Jellickbuck

Nancy Minicozzi had many amazing ways to incorporate Youtube, HyperDoc and Google Drawing in your everyday class.


If You are looking to follow some of the AwEsOmE presenters on Twitter.

Unsure about Twitter? Click here for Twitter info. Thanks Joe Wood @ucdjoe the presenters gave me the special attention and encouragement. I am REALLY excited about what the future holds in EDTech for me.

Monday, April 27, 2015

"My Brain Pop" Engages Learners

I find it very interesting how engaged students are when you allow them to use technology with guidelines of course. Today's tech lesson was getting students enrolled in a new program from Brain Pop. "My Brain Pop" is a tool that aids teachers in monitoring student progress, flipping the classroom, enhancing lessons, and many educational games as well. These are some of the ideas I came up with while still playing with it. I'm sure there is much more to mention. If you haven't checked out Brain Pop, it is worth a look! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

The BEAUTY of Technology

Using ClassDojo with a stroke of my fingers, I had my Valentine's Day party planned. In a matter of minutes, I had parents responding to my plea for goodies. It was so quick, I had to send out another message saying THANKS for the donations. So if you don't use this tool at all, You should! Just for messenger alone. This saves me copy paper, printing, excuses, my dog ate my... And I can do it all from my iPhone or computer. Gotta love it! 
Do the DOJO! 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

First 2 Weeks Using Google Classroom

with 2nd graders...

Week 1

Day 1: Using the projector whole class I spent time modeling for the students step by step how to JUST log on to Google account. I would call some of my “techies” to the class computer and have them sign in and navigate around “Classroom” while I pointed to the projection screen.

Day 2:  Whole class lesson demonstration on navigating around “Classroom”.  There is a built in tutorial in the program with words to read as you click. Obviously too hard for ALL of my 2nd graders to read so I spent time navigating around for the students.

Day 3 and 4:  Six students were on my Chrome books at the table in the classroom practicing login and navigating “Classroom” The steps were written on the board so students could look at them. I let the students work with very little little support from me to login an attempt the assignment on “Classroom”. The first assignment was watch a video and respond on a Google document.  Martin Luther King Dream  Youtube 5min  Video and Assignment.

Day 5: In the computer lab we have 1-1 devices. I was the only adult in the computer lab. I wasn’t even sure I should attempt this without our lab aide. But since this is what I had planned, I went ahead and gave instructions to go on. I stood in the back of the room and let them go remembering I was going to need a lot of patience. I was so amazed at how many students were in really quick. I began praising the students who were  logged in. After about 5 minutes I had every student logged in and on Google Classroom. Yes, there were small glitches with signing in and out. Some students were extremely frustrated. Getting young students to understand that login information is like a combination lock, is a huge task. They will leave out letters or numbers not understanding why they can’t login. Logging off was also a very important step. I  Some students wanted to just click the X from the internet to get off. They must sign out of “Classroom”.

Parent Support:

I sent home a note to the parents with all the login information and steps encouraging them to support their child at home. I posted the first week's homework assignment.

Week 2
About 80% of my students are now turning in assignments paperless from home. I had to resend the login information home with several students a second time. (My dog ate my homework!) Some students are still having trouble remembering login information. Good thing I have the 6 Chrome books. This allows the students ample practice weekly. Students that do not have Internet or computer can come to class before, recess, lunch after school to use our computers.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Half Way

This has been a challenging year with technology in the classrooms in my district. I have been going into classrooms, teaching technology lessons. The students have been very excited to just touch the computers. They have been learning digital citizenship, and how to search on the Internet.
We are hoping to have Google accounts for the students real soon. I am so excited because this brings the prospect of using Google Classroom. When this occurs the real work begins. The excitement for me continues!