Sunday, February 8, 2015

First 2 Weeks Using Google Classroom

with 2nd graders...

Week 1

Day 1: Using the projector whole class I spent time modeling for the students step by step how to JUST log on to Google account. I would call some of my “techies” to the class computer and have them sign in and navigate around “Classroom” while I pointed to the projection screen.

Day 2:  Whole class lesson demonstration on navigating around “Classroom”.  There is a built in tutorial in the program with words to read as you click. Obviously too hard for ALL of my 2nd graders to read so I spent time navigating around for the students.

Day 3 and 4:  Six students were on my Chrome books at the table in the classroom practicing login and navigating “Classroom” The steps were written on the board so students could look at them. I let the students work with very little little support from me to login an attempt the assignment on “Classroom”. The first assignment was watch a video and respond on a Google document.  Martin Luther King Dream  Youtube 5min  Video and Assignment.

Day 5: In the computer lab we have 1-1 devices. I was the only adult in the computer lab. I wasn’t even sure I should attempt this without our lab aide. But since this is what I had planned, I went ahead and gave instructions to go on. I stood in the back of the room and let them go remembering I was going to need a lot of patience. I was so amazed at how many students were in really quick. I began praising the students who were  logged in. After about 5 minutes I had every student logged in and on Google Classroom. Yes, there were small glitches with signing in and out. Some students were extremely frustrated. Getting young students to understand that login information is like a combination lock, is a huge task. They will leave out letters or numbers not understanding why they can’t login. Logging off was also a very important step. I  Some students wanted to just click the X from the internet to get off. They must sign out of “Classroom”.

Parent Support:

I sent home a note to the parents with all the login information and steps encouraging them to support their child at home. I posted the first week's homework assignment.

Week 2
About 80% of my students are now turning in assignments paperless from home. I had to resend the login information home with several students a second time. (My dog ate my homework!) Some students are still having trouble remembering login information. Good thing I have the 6 Chrome books. This allows the students ample practice weekly. Students that do not have Internet or computer can come to class before, recess, lunch after school to use our computers.

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